4710 Gallery is delighted to announce the second solo show of Merab
Gugunashvili, titled “Anabzini on the Ice Lake." This exhibition features the artist's
most recent creations, showcasing a collection of artworks that were created
specifically for this event.
"Anabzini" is a Georgian word that signifies the reflection of the sun or the radiant
rays of the sun.
The exhibition highlights an array of ceramic pieces and materials, encompassing
diversity in the form of white and red clay, fireclay, black fireclay, and porcelain.
This series include seven sculptures, one wall installation as an object, and five
ceramic paintings.
"Anabzini on the Ice Lake" delves into the inner essence of individuals, exploring
their experiences in a world where complex socio-political information is wielded
by the system as a formidable weapon, potentially leading individuals to forfeit
their own sense of identity.
The accumulated stress experienced throughout the years can leave an individual
feeling as if they are trapped in a psychological vacuum like an obedient,
conditioned creature, making it challenging to reflect both external influences and
self-reflection. Many individuals often perceive themselves as independent, yet
they become part of the collective, immersed in the routine of everyday existence.
They've been led to believe that they possess the freedom to make their own
choices, only to realise that these choices have already been influenced and
predetermined by the system.
The pieces featured in the exhibition serve as questions rather than definitive
statements. They act as illustrations, capturing those uncommon, pristine, and
captivating moments of revelation. They prompt you to acknowledge when
something feels awry, or conversely, or a moment when a brilliant truth suddenly
becomes apparent, asserting its existence with paths to follow and answers that
may not yet be within your grasp at this stage.
The shackles are loosened, the clothes come off, and metamorphosis begins.
Humanity should engage with the collective consciousness, embracing both
personal and universal freedom, a concept we commonly refer to.
The exhibition is set to open on Saturday, November 11, and it will run until
December 24.
Opening: November 11, 18:00 – 20:00